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Pempek Palembang

Pempek or Mpek-mpek is a delicacy from
There are many varieties of Pempek. The most famous one is the Pempek Kapal Selam (Indonesian: "submarine"), which is made from a chicken egg wrapped within the Pempek dough and then deep-fried. This type pempek contains of high vitamin, protein, mineral, and carbohydrate content, is the most nutritious variety. As a local staple, Pempek can be commonly found on every street in
According to some stories, Pempek had been already in
Due the lack of some ingredients, I finally successfully made by myself. I substituted sago flour with tapioca and for the cuko, instead of using vinegar I used tamarind for having a sour taste.
Category: Seafood
Difficulty: Medium
Preparing time: 45 minutes
Serving for 4 people
Fish Cake
- 250 gram flesh of Spanish mackerels, grinded
- 5 tablespoons ice water
- 100 g tapioca flour or sago flour
- 20 g plain flour
- 1 teaspoon salt
Soup (Cuko)
- 125 g palm sugar
- 1 cloves of garlic, crushed/smashed
- 2 bird's eyes chillies cut thinly
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1 tablespoons of tamarind (depend how sour you want the soup is)
- 250 ml water
Additional Ingredients
- Cucumber
- Egg noodle, cooked
- Grinded dried shrimp (ebi) - optional
1. Grind the fish fillet. Then add ice water and salt. Mix them well.
2. Then gradually add all the flours into the fish mixture until it doesn't stick anymore and you can easily shape it. Then shape pempek as you wish (usually long and round). Then deep fry and set aside.
3. Make the soup (cuko): boil the water with tamarind and palm sugar until sugar is dissolved. Filter, and then add the garlic, chillies and salt. Continue cooking for 3-5 minutes.
4. Serving: place the pempek in plate (you can cut into small pieces), add the noodle and then pour with the soup. Garnish with the cucumber. Some people like to add ebi (grinded dried shrimp).